The OAK System offers a "One Screen Solution", providing customers the ability to route orders to any connected exchange. OAK provides easy web based access, alleviating the headaches associated with running third-party software, such as downloading, installation, ongoing maintenance and system re-configurations.
Web Based Front End
  • Cost effective because it eliminates the need to run third-party software or limit hardware specifications.
  • Secure Server
  • Easy to use interface
Business Logic/Risk Analysis Middleware
  • Individual margin and trading permissions
  • Orders checked for real-time buying power
  • Each account re-margined intra-day
  • Complete order history information and account information
  • Customer ability to sort/filter orders by specific criteria
  • Ability to execute give-up and allocation orders
  • Order "parking"; ready to send order with one click
Copyright 2010 Oak Trading Systems